Internal CIPSM Women Seminar
16:00 Montag, den 06. Oktober 2014
Dear CiPSMwomen,
we would like to invite you to our internal CiPSMwomen seminar on october, 6th. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jung will present an overview of the finances and advancements of CiPSMwomen and Dr. Tanja Gulder will talk about her research. If you have any other discussion point to add, don`t hesitate to contact us.
Below you find the details:
date: monday, october 6th 2014 at 4 p.m.
room number *B01.045*
There will be snacks and beverages. So please let us know, if you would like to participate.
LMU Biocenter
Großhaderner Str. 2-4
82152 Martinsried